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Worship Services are held every Sunday
Sunday School  (TBA)
Prayer and Praise 10:00 a.m.
Worship 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study (via phone conference)
Held every Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m.
Bible Study (in church)
2nd Tuesday night each month at 6:30 p.m.
Conference call:  712-832-8330
                      pin:  8662764# 
Shiloh Ministries include

Senior Choir

Gospel Choir

Men’s Chorus

Praise Ensemble

Praise Dancers

Youth Choir

Usher Board

Junior Ushers

Missionary Ministry

Nurse Unit

Culinary Committee


From humble beginnings, Shiloh Baptist Church is blessed.

Sunday School, morning worship services, and Children’s Church are now held each Sunday. Free van transportation to Sunday School and other church activities is available. Each year a youth revival, an annual revival and a fall revival are held.  Women Day, Choir Anniversaries, Vacation Bible School , Senior Citizens Day and Pack the Pew are annual events.  

We provide scholarships to further the education of our youth.  Weekly Bible study is available for both youth and adults. Quarterly youth workshops are held each year. A Men’ Prayer Breakfast is held monthly. The church membership is continuing to grow.


Most importantly here at Shiloh, we try to meet the Spiritual needs first while also helping those in need. Through the aid of the Holy Spirit, we will continue to learn the word to light the world. Nobody can deny that God has brought us a long way.

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